Welcome to my personal webpage!
About me...Since January 2021, I started a research engineer position at EDF R\&D department (EDF Lab) in the department OSIRIS (Optimization, SImulation, RIsk and Statistics), located in Saclay. In 2020, I was a postdoctoral reaseacher at the GERAD research center and Polytechnique Montreal , based in Montreal, Canada. I was awarded a Mitacs Elevate postdoctoral fellowship, in partnership with Hydro-Québec. My research interests are about distributed optimization and game theory and multi-agents systems, and the applications of these methods to the decentralized management of electric systems. These topics includes efficiency and equilibria analysis, Smart Grid, renewable energies, demand response management and privacy concerns. I defended my PhD Game theory and Optimization Methods for Decentralized Electric Systems on December 5, 2019 at the Ecole polytechnique. You can find the complete manuscipt here and the slides of the defense there . For my PhD I was awarded the prize of AMIES agency (Agence pour les mathématiques en interaction avec l'entreprise), for which you can find the retransmission on youtube here, as well as the Paul Caseau PhD Prize. I am a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid . I was the co-organizer of the workshop on "Network, Population and Congestion Games", NPCG19 , that took place in IHP, Paris 5, on April 16-17, 2019. |
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Some previous projects and collaborations...
- From 2017 to January 2020, I completed my PhD, in a partnership between EDF Lab and the Inria team TROPICAL located in the CMAP at École polytechnique. This Ph.D. thesis was supervised by Stéphane Gaubert, head of TROPICAL team, and by both Nadia Oudjane and Olivier Beaude at EDF Lab, in the department OSIRIS "Optimization, SImulation, RIsk and Statistics" located in Saclay, France.
- In May and June 2018, I visited Professor Alejandro Jofre in the Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM) in Santiago, Chile.
- I worked in 2016 with Artelys company, Paris, France, on several projects: optimizing the hydraulic energy stocks on a multinational scale, on the optimal trading strategy on European electricity markets of a productor of intermitent renewable energy and finally on the design and optimal operation of a water network (pooling problem) in the framework of the MINO Challenge that we won.
- In 2015, I worked at University of California, Davis, US, with Professor David L. Woodruff and Professor Roger J.-B. Wets . We developed a multi-stage stochastic programming model for the unit-commitment problem for electricity production with renewable energies and uncertainties. We implement an efficient algorithm and and describe a method for creating adapted stochastic programming scenarios.
- Procédé de gestion décentralisée de consommation électrique non-intrusif. Paulin Jacquot, Nadia Oudjane, Olivier Beaude, Pascal Benchimol, and Stéphane Gaubert.French Patent Pending, FR1872553. EDF and Inria, 2018, filed to INPI on 7 Dec. 2018.
- Procédé de désagrégation d’une courbe de charge électrique. Bayram Kaddour, Olivier Beaude, Paulin Jacquot, Pascal Benchimol.French Patent Pending, filed to INPI by EDF in 2019.
- Efficient Estimation of Equilibria in Large Aggregative Games with Coupling Constraints Paulin Jacquot, Cheng Wan, Olivier Beaude, Nadia OudjaneIEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Early Access, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2020.3008649
- A Privacy-preserving Method to Optimize Distributed Resource Allocation P.J., Olivier Beaude, Pascal Benchimol, Stéphane Gaubert, Nadia OudjaneSIAM Journal on Optimization (SIOPT), vol.30, pp.2303-2336, DOI: 10.1137/19M127879X
- Peer-to-Peer Electricity Market Analysis: From Variational to Generalized Nash Equilibrium Hélène Le Cadre, P.J., Cheng Wan, Clémence AlasseurEuropean Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2019.09.035
- Analysis and Implementation of an Hourly Billing Mechanism for Demand Response Management P.J., Olivier Beaude, Stéphane Gaubert, Nadia Oudjane.IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.10, no.4, pp.4265-4278, DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2018.2855041
- DLMP-based Coordination Procedure for Decentralized Demand Response under Distribution Network Constraints Paulin Jacquot
- Nonatomic Aggregative Games with Infinitely Many Types Paulin Jacquot, Cheng Wan
- Nonsmooth Aggregative Games with Coupling Constraints and Infinitely Many Classes of Players P.J., Cheng Wan
- A Privacy-preserving Disaggregation Algorithm for Non-intrusive Management of Flexible Energy P.J., Olivier Beaude, Pascal Benchimol, Stéphane Gaubert, Nadia Oudjane58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Nice, France, 2019
- Routing Game on Parallel Networks: the Convergence of Atomic to Nonatomic P.J., Cheng Wan57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, FL, 2018
- Demand Response in the Smart Grid: the Impact of Consumers Temporal Preferences P.J., Olivier Beaude, Stéphane Gaubert, Nadia Oudjane.IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2017.
- Demand Side Management in the Smart Grid: an Efficiency and Fairness Tradeoff P.J., Olivier Beaude, Stéphane Gaubert, Nadia Oudjane.IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 2017.
- A Privacy-preserving Disaggregation Algorithm for Non-intrusive Management of Flexible Energy
IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control, December 11-13, 2019, Nice, France.
- Peer-to-Peer Electricity Market Analysis: From Variational to Generalized Nash Equilibrium
PGMO Days, December 3-4, 2019, EDF Saclay, France.
- A Privacy-Preserving Disaggregation Algorithm for Nonconvex Optimization based on Alternate Projections
French-German-Swiss Conference on Optimization (FGS), September 17-20, 2019, Nice, France.
- Routing Game on Parallel Networks: the Convergence of Atomic to Nonatomic
57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 17-19, 2018, Miami Beach, Florida, US.
- Efficient Estimation of Equilibria of Large Congestion Games with Heterogenous Players (POSTER) CAESARS Advances in Modelling and Control for Power Systems of the Future, September 6, 2018, EDF Lab Saclay, France.
- Analysis of a Routing Game Model for Demand Side Management. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), July 2-6, 2018, Bordeaux, France.
- Fast Computation of Equilibria in Splittable Routing Games: Application to Electricity Demand Response (POSTER) Journées SMAI-MODE, March 28-30, 2018, Autrans, France.
- Splittable Routing Congestion Games: Convergence of n-players Instances to a Nonatomic Instance PGMO days'17, November 13-14, 2017, EDF Lab Saclay, France.
- Demand Response in the Smart Grid: the Impact of Consumers Temporal Preferences IEEE SmartGridComm17, October 23-26, 2017, Dresden, Germany.
- Demand Side Management in the Smart Grid: an Efficiency and Fairness Tradeoff. IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe, IEEE PES, September, 26-29, 2017, Torino, Italy.
- Efficiency of Game-Theoretic Energy Consumption in the Smart Grid. SING13, July, 5-7, 2017, Paris, France.
- An Efficient Algorithm for the Pooling Problem. ROADEF 2017, February 22-24, 2017, Metz, France.
- MILP and NLP relaxations for the Pooling Problem. Mixed Integer Nonlinear Optimization Meeting 2016, October 10-11, 2016, Bologna, Italy.I gave a talk on the algorithm developed and with which we won the MINO challenge.
- Nonatomic Aggregative Games with Infinitely Many Types Game Theory Seminar, October 14, 2019, Insitut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France.
- A Privacy-preserving Method to Optimize Distributed Resource Allocation Journée de rentrée du CMAP (Invited), October 7, 2019, Ecole polytechnique, France.
- A Privacy-preserving Disaggregation Algorithm based on Alternate Projections Method for Non-intrusive Management of Flexible Energy ECal group seminar, March 11, 2019, UC Berkeley, California (USA).Also given in Netlab group seminar, March 22, 2019, California Institute of Technology, California (USA).
- Optimizing Electricity Consumers Flexibilities in the Smart Grid: A Game Theoretic Model Seminar Optimization and Equilibrium, May 16, 2018, Centro de Modelamiento Mathematico, Santiago, Chile.
- A Game-theoretic Model for Demand Response:
Analysis, Implementation and Challenges. UK center - EDF Lab Joint Seminar, January 6, 2018, EDF Lab Saclay, France.
- Exploiting consumers flexibilities via a Demand Response mecanism: Decentralized Nash Computation. Optimization Network, June 30, 2017, EDF Lab Saclay, France.
- Demand Response and Dynamic Pricing in the Smart Grid: Efficiency, Fairness and Robustness. Tarification Seminar, June 29, 2017, EDF Lab Saclay, France.
- Demand Response: Congestion in the Electricity Network. CIGNE2017 Summer School on Network Theory, June 23, 2017, Roscoff, France.
- Efficiency of Game-Theoretic Energy Consumption in the Smart Grid. Paris Game Theory Ph.D. Seminar , March 27, 2017, Paris, France.
- Théorie des jeux et stratégie de l'entreprise , université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, avec Christine Halmenshlager, teaching assistant.
2016 (Oct. to Dec.).
- Théorie des jeux et stratégie de l'entreprise , université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, avec Christine Halmenshlager, teaching assistant.
2017 (Oct. to Dec.).
Curriculum Vitae
Paulin JacquotEDF Lab - Département OSIRIS - R33
7, boulevard Gaspard Monge
91120 Palaiseau
Email: firstname.lastname at polytechnique.org
Tel: (+33) 06-80-55-10-75